Medisun PDT 1200

Medisun PDT 1200 gir smertefri og kontrollert eksponering for aktinisk keratose. Den nye Medisun PDT 1200 representerer den logiske videreutviklingen av utendørs dagslys PDT og «Redlight PDT». Medisun PDT 1200 bruker programmerbare flerfargede høyeffekt-LED. Med den nyutviklede Medisun PDT 1200 får pasienten smertefri eksponering med et optimalisert dagslysspektrum. Bare en times eksponeringstid og er like effektiv som den konvensjonelle «Redlight PDT».

Med Medisun PDT 1200 kan du nå utføre dagslys PDT når som helst på klinikken din eller behandle med bare en times eksponeringstid. Pasienter føler ikke smerter under eksponering, i motsetning til mange konvensjonelle PDT-enheter. Med Medisun PDT 1200 kan du også eksponere mindre deler (ca. 20×20 cm) av hodet eller andre deler av kroppen med aktiniske keratoser smertefritt i løpet av en økt. En joule-timer muliggjør doseringsinngang i J / cm og garanterer en nøyaktig dose. Eksponeringstiden beregnes automatisk i minutter og sekunder. På slutten av eksponeringen slås LED automatisk av.

Se «mer info» og «brosjyre» nedenfor for mer informasjon om produktet.


  • Eksponeringen med Medisun PDT 1200 er smertefri. Under eksponering kan pasienten høre på musikk, lese, snakke eller bare slappe av.
  • Krever bare en times eksponeringstid.
  • Sparer tid for både pasient og personale.
  • Medisun PDT 9000 kan brukes året rundt og når som helst på døgnet.
  • Terapien er planlagt og kan alltid kontrolleres med en reproduserbar dose.
  • Medisun PDT 1200 krever liten plass og kan enkelt installeres i ethvert rom.
  • Bare en normal 230 V strømforsyning er nødvendig.
  • Ingen strukturelle endringer er nødvendige (for eksempel takmontering, ventilasjon, klimaanlegg, trefasetilkobling, etc.).
  • Lave driftskostnader takket være topp moderne LED-lys. Ingen lampeutskifting er nødvendig og veldig lite strøm er forbrukt.

(Snart kommer PDT 1200 også med tilbehørTouch-PC-skjerm)

medisun PDT 1200 is an innovative light treatment system for the painless exposure of photodynamic therapy (PDT) with polychromatic spectra from a high power LED light source. Thus, the medisun PDT 1200 is the ideal addition to the medisun PDT 9000.

The main indications are actinic keratoses, which are reported for a steady increase worldwide. Actinic keratoses are a preliminary stage to skin cancer, usually associated with excessive exposure to the sun during life, e.g. in outdoor occupations.

Therefore, the workmen`s compensation boards in Germany have recognized actinic keratosis as an occupational disease for many professions. Patients in these cases have a lifelong right to get paid the treatment costs.

Conventional red light PDT has been established for many years as it has proven to be very effective. However, the therapy protocols used are usually associated with great pain for the patients.

With the outdoor daylight PDT with natural sunlight, an alternative therapy protocol has been developed that contains all wavelengths of light and is less painful. However, the actual irradiance and the spectral composition of the light will depend on some uncontrollable factors such as the season, time of day, temperature, elevation above sea level, geographical location and weather conditions.

In certain weather conditions, e.g. below + 10 ° C, the outdoor daylight PDT can not be performed at all or the effect can not be calculated and is not reproducible. In addition, sunscreen must also be applied. However, the outdoor daylight PDT is considered to be less painful than the conventional red light PDT.

The new medisun PDT 1200 represents the logical further development of the outdoor daylight PDT and the red light PDT.

medisun PDT 1200 uses programmable multicolor high power LEDs. These can produce many monochromatic and polychromatic light mixtures.

With the newly developed medisun PDT therapy protocol, a painless exposure with an optimized daylight spectrum with only one hour of exposure time is possible, which is just as effective as the conventional red light PDT.

This has now been confirmed by a published clinical study by Prof. Dr. Thomas Dirschka and Prof. Dr. Rolf-Markus Szeimies.

The efficacy and freedom from pain during the exposure was also confirmed by a clinical study by Prof. Dr. med. Hans Michael Ockenfels (Hanau).

By using medisun PDT 1200 it is now possible to perform the painless PDT exposure planned in your practice throughout the year.

medisun PDT 1200 is equipped with a 3-axis adjustable lamp module. Single or multiple lesions (field cancerization) up to the entire head can be treated individually and homogeneously. Excellent tolerability and consistently excellent therapy results are achieved.

Thanks to the programmable controller, medisun PDT 1200 remains future-proof, regardless of which light spectrum will be of importance in the future.

All medisun products are developed and produced in Brühl near Cologne.

The medisun systems are certified as medical devices according to directive 93/42/EEC by TÜV-Rheinland LGA Products GmbH.

We rely on tested quality – Made in Germany.

Medisun PDT systems are already used in many university hospitals and dermatological practices.

We are happy to inform you competently and without obligation.

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